Thursday, March 1, 2007

Signs of Life

Things are just starting to warm up again here in the nation's capital after a few weeks of unseasonably cold weather. We got snowed in a couple of times and also experienced ice and freezing rain. So everything in our garden is pretty much dead, right? Well, not excatly. A close inspection shows quite a bit of greenery, such as this Salad Burnett on the left (it tastes just like cucumber) and these Black-Eyed Susan plants just snoozing. I brought some of our After 4 kids out to look around and start pulling weeds. But mostly they were interested in throwing snowballs.
Very soon, we will be working in the garden in earnest, cleaning out debris from last year and adding more soil mix to our containers. We should also be planting seeds indoors for transplanting in the spring. Stay tuned...

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